Tuesday, May 1, 2012

More on the Jane Austen Festival

Okay, so it’s been – what – six months?  So far I have washed the material and evened out the ends.  I also took out the pattern and looked at it a couple of times. 

And that’s all.

My sister made me that corset, by the way.  I wonder if I can get away with just wearing the corset over top of my regency-style shorts and tee shirt ... and live to tell the story.

Okay, so several weeks ago I wrote a little skit starring my sisters (and me).

On a sunny day in July Jane Austen Festival

Paula:  “Isn’t this a beautiful day?” Closes eyes, inhales deeply. “Just smell those Rosa Centifolia Pomponia.”

Janet (dreamily):  “It makes me think of Pemberly.”  Strokes maple leaf lovingly and gazes at far off bunny.

Sheila:  “I wonder if Edward is here.”

Claudia:  “Edward who? Damn it, I just stepped in dog shit.”

Sheila:  “Edward Cullin. Duh!” Uses both hands to shove boobs higher.

Carol:  “Edward!” Sigh. “Well if he is, he’s mine.”

Claudia:  Drags foot across grass, muttering, “Stupid people bringing their stupid mutts to a festival …”

Sheila:  “No way. I’m the Bella.”

Carol:  “You were the Bella last time! It’s my turn!”

Paula:  “Well you know, girls, there’s no such thing as vampires.  And if there were, I doubt you’d want to meet one, much less kiss one.”  Chortles.  “In fact, kissing Edward would be like kissing a corpse.”

Carol:  “No, it wouldn’t!”

Sheila: “Shut your gaping pie hole, Paula!  You’re just jealous cuz you’re not the Bella!” Surreptitiously arranges hair to cover evidence of hair extensions.

Claudia:  “Effing dog. Hey! Is that the refreshment table?”

Janet:  “Yes.”  Sighs tragically.  “And they set the table down right next to that tree, where the pretty gray squirrel was nesting.  She dropped all her nuts, poor thing!”

Sheila:  “Hey! Look over there!  It’s Edward!”  Points at guy wearing topcoat.

Carol:  “Move aside! He’s mine!”  Runs to catch topcoat.

Sheila:  snicker

Paula:  Sighs again.  "No one wants to look at the Rosa chindensis mutabilis."  

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